Learn ALL Of The Basics To Creating Attractive Short Form Videos That Gain New Leads, New Followers, And More Sales In The Fastest Growing Media In Just 3 Days!
Learn ALL Of The Basics To Creating Attractive Short Form Videos That Gain New Leads, New Followers, And More Sales In The Fastest Growing Media In
Just 3 Days!
Here is what you can expect to learn inside this incredibly valuable training:
Then No More Waiting! Click to Register for your Free Seat!
Learn how to leverage the SIMPLE Basics of Short Form Video to start generating WAY more organic growth than you've ever experienced BEFORE!
These are the same principles I USE every day to attract new customers, new team members, and new LEADS by the HUNDRENDS every single month!
And the best part... They reach out TO ME!
Like pulling them in like a MAGNET.
Ready to learn how?!
I've been in sales for well over a decade and have been 100% online since 2018! I founded Solutions For Sellers in 2019 specifically to help women make MORE money in Direct Sales, Network Marketing, and Online Startups!
I make easy to follow trainings with ACTUAL step by steps and strategies, that if you take the time to work them step by step, WILL get you the results you're looking for!
And this Masterclass is just one of my 6 Fundamental Programs that make up my Masterclass Series.
I know that as I was trying to grow my direct sales business, the training was poor, it was all over the place, and even more crazy... it was.. SURPRESSED by the companies themselves!
It was almost like they didn't want their people to find success... Not today, and not here! Here we share the goods so that everyone can win with these simple but up to date strategies!
Learn why short form video is a great place to market and grow your followership. Learn the 4 types of reels you should be posting for business!
Join me for a step by step tutorial on how to create a reel using Instagram and learn how the secret to repurposing this content for other platforms!
Learn how to edit and publish your reel! Learn how to use openAI to create impactful captions for your content!
"I Have NO IDEA where to start or what videos to make..."
"I Have No Idea How to Edit Video's Or How To Clip Together Multiple Scenes..."
"I Don't Know How To Get Them From Video To Product..."
"I'm not comfortable making videos..."
And if you’re an independent consultant in a direct sales business who wants to start LEVERGING Short Form Video in their business and capitalize on the biggest social media trend happening right now...
Then You might want to keep reading...
Is that you have to play the long game. You never know which video will pop, but if you're consistent and strategic, you'll find traction along the way.
If you allow yourself to get discouraged after 1 video gets only 200 views, then you can't see the forest through the trees.
Consistency always wins, but in order to stay consistent, you HAVE to have strong strategy, a goal in mind, and an understanding on how to make simple videos using the elements that work. That's why in this training I'll walk you through the absolute basics on making amazing short form videos, how to make easy but game changing edits, how to hoot your viewers and drive them to your links using strong Calls To Action!
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